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If you read my last post, My Favorite Things: June Edition, then you’ll see where the inspiration for this post came from.

I have a major thing for mini hats, hair pieces and fascinators.  I really can’t get enough of them.  I’m not exactly a DIY, crafty type of girl but I can definitely follow directions!  So after a quick consultation with my wedding planner (Google) and reading this DIY Fascinator Tutorial, I decided to make a trip to Michaels for supplies.

Anything you’ll ever need for a fascinator

Supplies Include:
  • Glue Gun (if you’re me, it has to be pink)
  • Scissors
  • Felt
  • A large silk flower
  • feathers
  • An alligator clip or hair comb to secure the hat to your hair.
  • Crystal buttons or beads

My preference is a hair comb because my hair is super thick.  Unfortunately, my local Michael’s didn’t carry them so I resigned myself to alligator clips.  These clips work fine, its just a personal preference.

Since I was, admittedly a total noob at creating my masterpiece, I didn’t stop to take DIY pictures like a proper DIY tutorial includes.  So here’s the result of my first try:

CAN’T EVEN TELL ITS HOME MADE CAN YOU?  Yeah, I’m totally proud of it!

The alligator clip wouldn’t fit properly to the felt due to the bone in the feathers so I problem solved that by cutting a 2nd piece of felt, hot gluing the clip to it and then gluing the 2 pieces of felt together.  Sharp as a tack, I am!

The Completed Masterpiece modeled by yours truly!

In all truth, this fascinator turned out a lot better than I thought it would and I have a great little black cocktail dress that I can’t wait to wear it with.

After the jump, check out my DIY Tutorial for a Bridal Fascinator.

So in lieu of not having proper DIY Tutorial pictures, and the fact that I was so pleased with how the first one turned out, I went back to Michael’s this evening for more supplies to make another mini hat.

The Bridal Fascinator by OMGitsJen

What You’ll Need:

  • White Felt
  • White Silk Flower
  • Scissors
  • Glue Gun
  • Feathers (white and any accent color you like)
  • Self Adhesive Rhinestones or pearls or whatever you like!

Step 1: cut out a small oval from the felt piece

Step 2: find your flower and go to town on taking it apart layer by layer

Keep in mind that you’re going to reassemble the flower using your glue gun in just a few minutes so you’re going to want to keep the layers in order while you dismantle it!  When you’re done, it should look something like this:

Step 3: Set out your feathers. Strip them from any wires or lay them out from the bag they came in.

Step 4: grab that felt piece and your glue gun and start gluing down feathers to the felt piece.

Step 5: glue down the first layer of the silk flower to the felt piece.

Now here’s the thing, when people are looking at your fascinator on your head straight on, it’s gonna look 9 ways of fabulous, but you want them to think that from the top and sides too.  So take a quick second to inspect the different angles.  In the case of this particular mini hat, the feathers were hidden by the petals but the petals were moving just a bit much so I went ahead and glued down one of the petals over the bone of the feathers to hide the mess.

Glue down the petals to hide anything that shouldn’t be seen. Then start gluing down the other layers of the flower one on top of the other.

Step 6: Use your glue gun to actually glue one of the self adhesive rhinestones to the center of the flower to hide the hole. You can also use a big sparkly button or pendant! Then go ahead and bedazzle the flower with a few more rhinestones.

Step 7: flip your fascinator over and grab a second strip of felt and your alligator clip.

Step 8: glue your clip, hair comb or hat elastic to the smaller strip of felt.

Step 9: attach the clip to the felt base of the fascinator with your glue gun.

And voila!!!  You’ve got your very own bridal headpiece to show off at your wedding.

Completed Masterpiece

You can easily attach a birdcage veil using veiling fabric.  For a great DIY on how to build your own birdcage veil, check out this Project Wedding how to: The Birdcage Veil!

This entire project took me about an hour and that was stopping to take pictures step by step.  This is a GREAT DIY for hair pieces for bridesmaids too!  You can pour some wine and have each girl make their own hair piece saving them some bucks and having some bonding time to boot.  Your only limit is your imagination!